September 2024


22 Dec 23

Dear friends, within the framework of Maxim Tatarintsev's solo exhibition project "MONO," we invite you to attend the performance titled "ENT...EXIT."

The performance is named after the words EXIT and ENTER. This interactive performance invites spectators to participate as "Observers," "Participants," and as part of the community to gain a unique social experience. The process explores all stages of interaction with people, from being an unwilling guest to transforming into a neighbor. The performance delves into the borders of comedy, touching moments, absurdity, and tragedy. Therefore, the event involves sharp mood changes, a play of collision between different situations, atmospheres, and the reproduction of paradoxical actions.

The performance is presented in a plastic, wordless manner.

Director - Konstantin Soldatov
Producer - Leonid Klots
Multimedia operator - Platon Soldatov
Teatr O2 actors participate in the performance:
Irina Yakubenko, Iskra Tarrant, Pelageya Soldatova, Artyom Portnov, Tatyana Selyverstova, Ivan Telegin, Tair Salikhov.

Date and time: December 22, 19:00
Venue: ARTIM Project Space
Admission is free
