September 2024



5 Kichik Gala str., Icheri Sheher, 

Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1001

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+99412 505 2323


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27 Oct - 27 Dec 17

YAY Gallery presents the 'ALL_AND' solo show by young azerbaijani Zamir Suleymanov. 

Zamir Suleymanov's personal exhibition "ALL_AND" is characterized by difference in angle of view (AOV) in the photo and video works of contemporary Azerbaijan, and desire to analyze current situation in society.
Zamir Suleymanov's creative experience is connected with observation of features and paradoxes which are deemed to be an integral part of the socio-cultural realities of Azerbaijan. 
Main theme of his works is the feeling of "sleeping protest" that exists inside of people. Through touching on issues of national reality, heritage and cultural identity, artist unites individuals in a single image, using photos and videos.

Artist's video Homeland reflects thoughts about people "floating down the river". The video shows how young people used to spend their free time in former cinema Veten. Particularly, the video emphasizes that young people used to be ready to spend almost all their lives.

In the video "God damn Gorbachev" shot in the form of documentary interview, through endless conversations on "everlasting theme" of taxi drivers, artist shows their "mental characteristics". The artist expresses part of his ideas in photos. 

"Terror" is a work being from this series. The work by Zamir Suleymanov is a dedication to the history of Ilisu village, where the author comes from, and the struggle of Sheikh Shamil. He is considered as the leader of Caucasian nations in the middle of the 19th century on the territory of this village.

Three-channel video of artist entitled "Heavy Words" demonstrates contextual meanings of words in Azerbaijani language and details local subculture.

Another example of the subculture is video work entitled "Violet". Subtitles of the video is taken from the game played by the children. In this work, artist shows that this game is suitable for everyone regardless of age and gender, and especially notes that there is still a "child" in every athletic-build man.

"The Moment of Danger" installation refers to the heritage of founder of Safavid dynasty, Shah Ismail. In this work, the artist placed a prototype of the legendary sword of the lord in fire-extinguishing box. Thus, he emphasizes that in any incident, breaking this box, everyone will have the opportunity to intervene independently.

Without going past the Karabakh issue, Zamir created an animation called "I haven't seen flowers in the mountains" for a while presenting the viewer occupied Jidir Plain as he sees it in his dreams.
In the "Flags" installation there are smallest custom-made flags of Azerbaijan by different tailors. Thus, the artist created the antithesis of the idea of ​​abundance and magnitude.

Photo series entitled "Real Market" includes images of all Baku markets under the same name. The only question of this topic addressed to society by the artist is: Is there "unreal market"?

One of the earliest works of Suleymanov is a video entitled "Venice Cafe" which is based on a visually constructed comparative analysis between humans and predators of the wild.

"Very Contemporary" photo-series shows the emptiness of everyday life, conveying on transition of artist from classical to contemporary photography.

Zamir Suleymanov (b.1987, Ilisu) is graduated from Azerbaijan State Economic University. He began his creative work form classical photograph, then switched into contemporary photo and video. He is a participant of international art exhibitions arts and festivals, including International Festival of Photography GRID (Amsterdam, Holland), IV Moscow International Youth Art Biennale (Moscow, Russia), Islamic Art Festival (Sharjah, UAE), Tbilisi Photo Festival (Tbilisi, Georgia), Milan Trienniale (Milan, Italy).

Exhibition dates: October 27 > December 27, 2017.

Working hours: Tuesday – Sunday, 12:00 – 20:00

Address: 5 Kichik Gala Street, Icheri Sheher, Baku 

Admission is free
