July 2024


10 Apr 20

Our third YARAT Online Live Stream will be together with artist Clara Jo and Anna Fech – curator of YARAT Contemporary Art Space.

The topic will be on the work that Clara has done during her residency at YARAT, called “Temporal Shifts”. Artist and curator will have discussion around current situation going in the world.

Watch us on Instagram Live.

Date: April 10, 2020

Time: 20:00

YARAT instagram page

Clara Jo (Germany) is a graduate of Bard College and the Institut für Raumexperimente / UdK Berlin. Her recent film and sculptural installations work in conversation with sites implicated in revisionist histories. She has exhibited and screened her work at the Royal Academy of Arts (London), Institute of Contemporary Arts (London), Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Hamburger Bahnhof, Neue Nationalgalerie, Dahlem Museums, Museum for Photography), Savvy Contemporary (Berlin), Akademie der Künste (Berlin), and the Alliance Ethio-Française d’Addis-Abeba, Ethiopia. 

Anna Fech (Germany) – is a curator based in Baku, Azerbaijan. Studied art history and economics in Erlangen-Nurnberg University(Germany). In 2014 she graduated at the ZHdK Zürich in MAS Curating with a research focus on “Contemporary relevance of Postcolonial Discussion in Exhibition Practice related to Middle Eastern and Post-Soviet Countries”. Since 2016 she works as curator for YARAT Contemporary Art Space, Baku, Azerbaijan, being responsible for the international Residency program and ARTIM Project Space directed at young artists with an intention to support and encourage emergent talent to grow.
