July 2024


15 Jul 16

YARAT Contemporary Art Space is pleased to invite you to meet with Narmina Agasi – associate professor of Baku Music Academy, PhD in arts, founder of the first private fashion house in Baku on July 15. 

Narmina Agasi – head of the publishing house Impress Ltd., editor in chief of the magazine PASSAGE, member of BMTG (Brooklyn Music Teachers Guild) and the special program «Education Music and Autism» in the United States. 

Narmina Agasi graduated from the historical and theoretical faculty of Azerbaijan State Conservatory named after U. Hajibeyov, holds a PhD in arts, and is an associate professor of the Baku Music Academy.  

She founded the country's first private fashion house and was one of the founders of modeling department at the Institute of Arts in 1993. 

In 1997, she held a solo exhibition – carvings and paintings on stone. Articles about Narmin Agasi, as an artist and designer, have been published in various world-class magazines. 

In 2002, she took the lead in the publishing house Impress Ltd., which publishes three leading magazines "Autograph", "Architech" and "PASSAGE". To this day, she is editor in chief of the magazine, which, in due to relocation to the United States has undergone a rebranding, changing its format and name to PASSAGE WORLD. 

Besides, Narmina Agasi is continually involved in the jury of international music competitions, such as the Eurovision Song Contest and many other television competitions, and has an active social life. Since moving to the United States, she held several concerts, including a special evening which was held in New York and devoted to the anniversary of Vagif Mustafazade. Upon arrival in the US, she gave a special interview to "Voice of America", where she talked about her creative plans, and also spoke on the radio at the UN General Assembly on the International Day of autism. In her speech, she gave information about her new activities with autistic children and about a big concert which will be held together with them next year in Carnegie Hall.

Most recently, she was included as a journalist in a special tour of the United States with Jerusalem Symphony Orchestra conducted by Dmitry Yablonsky, who gave 17 concerts in different states of America together with the famous Azerbaijani musicians Farhad Badalbeyli and Sahib Pashazade. Narmina Agasi is also actively involved in the organization of the annual charity concerts dedicated to helping autistic children, and serves as a real cultural bridge between the US and Azerbaijan, covering all musical and cultural events in both countries in her updated online PASSAGE WORLD magazine.

Date: 15 July, 2016

Time: 19.00

Venue: YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, Multifunctional Room

Contact phone: +99412 505 1414

Admission: FREE

