July 2024


01 Dec - 25 Dec 15

Dear friends!

If you are a creative person, and you have a desire to try yourself in a new image, then YARAT Contemporary Art Space invites you to participate in creating a dynamic installation – “Buta” under the direction of Russian actor, director and musician Alexander Dziuba.

Rehearsals will be held from 17th to 24th of January 2016 and completed with an open show of the project on December 25th 2015.

Participation requirements:

•    Age from 16 to 40 
•    Physically fit (rehearsals will take place in an intensive mode).
•    Ability and willingness to work in a team

Stage experience and professional skills in the field of dance or plastic theater are NOT mandatory criterion for the selection.

Please send your applications to ulvia.a@yarat.az email address with the subject «BUTA».

Your application should include your name and contact number, 1 portrait photo and a photo in full length.

Alexander Dzyuba (1975) – Russian theatre and film actor; starred in such movies and soap TV-shows as 'Masculine Holidays' ('Мужские каникулы'), 'My Fair Childminder' ('Моя прекрасная няня'), 'Soviet Age Park' ('Парк советского периода') etc. In 1993–1997 he was a student of Michail Reznikovic’s studio at the State Theatre Arts Institute after I.K.Karpenko-Kariy (КГИТИ) in Kiev. In 1993–1997 he was an actor of the State Academic Russian Drama Theatre after Lesia Ukrainka (Kiev). In 1997–1999 he was an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow). In 1999–2001 he was a teacher at the Actor Studio and a show director of the Estonian State Russian Drama Theatre (Tallinn). In 2001–2006 he was an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow). In 2006–2010 he was a filmmaker at such studios as RWS, Young Media, Tandem Films. Since 2010 and up to now he is an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow).

For more info: ulvia.a@yarat.az or 012 505 1414

