June 2017


07 Apr 17

YARAT Contemporary Art Space kindly invited you to join a talk by a creative duo of photographers Anfisa Bessonova and Anar Kurbanov on April 7th, 2017.

Our Weekly talk has changed and we’re suggesting to try a new format where two speakers will be put in dialogue with each other. Our discussion will revolve around a subject of Contemporary photography, a serious look on non-serious topic.

Anfisa Bessonova has studied economics, but has never exercised this profession. She can’t tell exactly how many years she has spend photographing, and yet, she sincerely believes that photography is her vocation that she has found once and for good. Her work gives meaning to her life, and she is actually working even when she appears not to be working.

Anar Kurbanov has earned a Master’s degree in Urban Architecture and is Ph. D to be. Kurbanov is also a photographer/videographer, the founder of Demiragach brand and a technical director of Hypnotica band.

These two creative individuals have a successful collaboration for the last 5 years. They share creative approaches and complement one another extremely well. They collaborate with almost every print and online publication in Azerbaijan focusing mainly on fashion and portrait photography.

Date: April 7, 2017

Time: 7 PM

Venue: YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, 2 floor, Multifunctional Room

Address: Bayil, Sabail District, Baku (Near the National Square)

Admission: FREE

