April 2016



Bayil District (National Flag Square) Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1003

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Tuesday – Sunday:
12 am > 8 pm


+99412 505 1414



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12 May 16

YARAT Contemporary Art Space is delighted to invite you to the screening of ‘Yara’ (‘Wound’) and ‘Shanghai, Baku’, films produced and directed by Teymur Hajiyev. 

The screening will be organized as a part of YARAT Film Club, which aims to become an informal meeting point for the viewing and discussion of contemporary art videos and films.

Yara (Wound) / 2014 / Azerbaijan / 17 min / Drama / Black and White

Cast: Elmar Imanov, Shamil Suleymanli, Rasim Jafarov

Two men in a black van in the midst of a night-long journey. The driver is a taciturn young man with his right hand bandaged up and his talkative companion, an old laborer. 

With their inner fears and emotional wounds they draw each other closer while pushing each other away, mimicking a typical father-son relationship. 

Along with a heavy emotional burden, they carry no less heavy of a physical load in the trunk of the van. Both are eager to get rid of the burdens of the past and heal their wounds. 

But for what price?

Shanghai, Baku / 2016 / Azerbaijan / 20 min / Drama / Color

Cast: Roza Ibadova, Rasim Jafarov, Mir-Movsum Mirzazade, Gurban Ismailov, Tarlan Mirishli

Samir is an amateur filmmaker. Along with his despotic father and older sister Roza he resides in "Shanghai" - a slum located in close proximity to downtown Baku, the capital of the oil rich Republic of Azerbaijan. 

By sheer accident, Samir captures a video of Roza getting intimate with her boyfriend Rasim, an Azerbaijani gastarbeiter from Moscow. Samir blackmails Roza and Rasim with the video, well aware of the serious of implications caused by social stigma and reactionary mindset of his father. Rasim tries to bribe Samir, however the issue happens to be much deeper than it appears. 

The film is loosely based on a short story by Anton Chekhov 'The Naughty Boy'.

Teymur Hajiyev born in Baku, Azerbaijan in 1982. Has BSc in Economic Cybernetics from Baku State University and MBA in Marketing from West Texas A&M University. Before coming into cinematic realm worked as Marketing Director within various commercial entities in Azerbaijan.

In 2013 established FIL PRODUCTION, which up to now produced more than a dozen short films, four of them having an international festival presence. In August 2014 was admitted to the Locarno Summer Academy. In September 2013 finished his first short film “The Wound”, which was premiered at Palm Springs ShortFest, USA. In March 2015 finished his second feature short film “Shanghai, Baku”, which was premiered at Tampere Film Festival, Finland.

Films will be shown in Azeri

16 +

Date: 12 May, 2015

Time: 19.00

Venue: YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, Multifunctional Room

Contact phone: +99412 505 1414

Admission: FREE

