March 2024

Patricio Forrester & Artmongers present interactive project Playing Numbers

14 May 13

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M.A.Gasimov Republic Clincal Hospital

Playing NumbersArtmongers lead by Patricio Forrester

Part of Participate! Public Art Festival 2013

In collaboration with Catherine Shovlin, Aysel Nagiyeva, Olga Martinova-Guliyeva, Sabina Abbasova, Shahribanu Azeri, Sayka Sayyara Neymatova, Lala Qaraeva, Bahar Alizade, Dinara Ismailova.

YARAT are pleased to present Playing Numbers by Artmongers. This interactive artwork project combines learning, playing and caring. Children are invited to move the shapes around to form the different numbers from one to ten, or even make up new ones, build places to hide or simply sit with their parents to enjoy a moment together.

Numbers are a common ground - most of the world has adopted Arabic numerical figures because of their beauty, perfection and practicality. We are inspired by this sharing that happens every day in front of our eyes around the globe in all aspects of life.  

Address: M.A.Gasimov Republic Clinical Hospital, 112 Sharifzada Street (near 20 Yanvar metro station)

Admission: Free

