February 2024


11 Mar 16

YARAT Contemporary Art Space established the discussion platform in order to discuss its usual collection and current exhibitions. We will organize weekly meetings with artists, writers, musicians, researchers, businessmen and public figures during these series of events. 

We ask famous figures to share their ideas about the modern art and about selected pieces from our collection and to hold dialogues with the event participants as well.

You’re kindly invited to join a talk that will be delivered on March 11, 2016 by a TV broadcaster and expert in public speaking Jeyhun Ali. 

Jeyhun Ali works as an editor in chief of the Public and Political Department at “Аzad Azerbaijan” Channel.  He holds a certificates in conflict-sensitive journalism from Teleradio Academy Deutsche welle. He is often involved in the role of a moderator during international conferences and seminars and hosts cultural events, gala-concerts and award ceremonies.

Date: 11 March, 2016

Time: 19:00

Free admission

Venue: YARAT Centre (Bayil district, near National Flag Square)

Contact person: sayara.h@yarat.az or by calling 050 218 06 29.

