February 2024

Rebar Group & N55 present Parkcycle as part of Participate! 2013

05 Aug - 19 Aug 13

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Parkcycle by Rebar Group & N55 (US)

Paticipate! Public Art Festival 2013 by YARAT

YARAT Contemporary Art Space are proud to present Parkcycle (Mobile Park) by Rebar Group (US) this August in collaboration with N55 Till Wolfer. This is another exciting work from the official selection of our Participate! Public Art Festival 2013.

Parkcycle is a small mobile park with a tree that can be cycled by several people through a city. This 'human-powered, open space distribution system' debuted in San Francisco in 2007, offering immediate access to green space for the neighbourhoods in which it parked. Bringing this to Baku, Rebar Group will further the possibilities of public sculpture whilst raising awareness of cycle-power, community participation and the importance of green spaces.

Rebar Group
