November 2015



Bayil District (National Flag Square) Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1003

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Tuesday – Sunday:
12 am > 8 pm


+99412 505 1414


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30 Nov 15

YARAT Contemporary Art Space Education Department invite you to attend a new session of talks and discussions with curator Viktor Misiano and artist Zeigam Azizov.

This time YARAT will host the screening of Zeigam Azizov’s three film-essays. These essays come together as a trilogy and it is a documentation of the research which takes its beginning from the year 2000 until our days. The main idea of this trilogy is to visualize the way how the movement of people shifts from the intensive motion to the images of their movement.

To complement the screening, we will have a lively discussion with the film director Zeigam Azizov and a renown independent curator Viktor Misiano who will gladly respond to your questions.

Migrasophia (2000) This film addresses the grows of the knowledge industry as it stimulates the process of globalization and its impact on people’s movement, what can also be called “the migration paradigm”, a discourse  that became central to any debate about images. Considering facts of learning and its effects in everyday life this short film takes to a journey from the school (classroom for the studying) to the public Internet shops (certain hyper real theatre).

In search of Alberto Adriano (2005) This piece is a response to the media report on the racist killing of the immigrant from Mozambique Alberto Adriano, which took place in the East German town of Dessau and reported by BBC News, Wednesday, 23 August, 2000, UK.

Symposium (2011) - The film consists of the “lecture” juxtaposed with images. It is featuring a photograph by the Iranian photographer Reza Deghati. The image sin this photograph shows children playing in the derelict oil fields in Baku, Azerbaijan. It shows how the end of one site is the beginning of the new one. But this image is also linked to the artist’s childhood and this is a link with the territory of the childhood made through the image.

Zeigam Azizov is a British artist of Azeri origin. He was born in Azerbaijan  and currently lives and works in London (UK). He studied art and philosophy in France, the UK and Austria. Central to his work is the question of cross-circulations of knowledge through images and the philosophical paradigm in contemporary art, which he explores in videos, films, drawings and installations. Zeigam Azizov is a regular contributor to Moscow Art Magazine. He is also member of the Institute for Media and Communication at the Klagenfurt University in Austria, where he lectures about the visual culture.

Viktor Misiano lives in Moscow and in Ceglie Messapica, Italy. He was a curator of contemporary art at the Pushkin National Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow (1980–90) and the director of the Center for Contemporary Art (CAC), Moscow (1992–97). In his freelance practice, Misiano was on the curatorial team for Manifesta 1, Rotterdam (1996) and curated the Russian section of the 3rd Istanbul Biennial (1992), the 46th and 50th Venice Biennale (1995, 2003), the 1st Valencia Bienal, Spain (2001), the 25th and 26th São Paulo Bienal (2002, 2004), the Central Asia Pavilion at the 51st Venice Biennale (2005), Live Cinema/The Return of the Image: Video from Central Asia, Philadelphia Museum of Art (2007–08), and Progressive Nostalgia: Art from the Former USSR, Centro per l’arte contemporanea, Prato (2007, traveled to Athens; Tallinn, Estonia; and Helsinki). In 1993 he was a founder of the Moscow Art Magazine and has been its editor-in-chief ever since; and in 2003 he was a founder of the Manifesta Journal: Journal of Contemporary Curatorship (Amsterdam-Ljubljana) and since then has also been an editor there. He has been awarded an honorary doctorate from the Helsinki University for Art and Design.

The films will be shown in English

12 +

Date: 30 November, 2015

Time: 19.00

Venue: YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, Multifunctional Room

Contact phone: +99412 505 1414

Admission: FREE

