January 2024

Get involved in İNDİ, a new project for creative young people

07 Mar - 07 Dec 13

İNDİ is supported by Bank Technique

If you are young, gifted, experimental, and your dreams are yet to be realised, or you are already an established professional in music, painting, cinematography or video art, our newly designed interdisciplinary İNDİ Project is waiting for you!

For the first time in Azerbaijan, creative young people have the opportunity to present their ideas and gain support and publicity. YARAT Contemporary Art Space, a Baku-based non-profit organisation, which has been actively working in art, culture and education in Azerbaijan and abroad, is offering such an opportunity to emerging young artists.

Combining different artistic disciplines into one school is the essence of the project. We are planning to host a series of  artistic evenings aimed at discovering unexpected aspects of modern art. The most inconceivable combinations, including mugham and media performance, off-the-cuff verses and ballet compositions, among others, are more than welcome tp apply. İNDİ Project promises to surprise, so perhaps it is just what you have been waiting for.

Tell us about yourself by writing to us, including your CV and a link to any art work, photos, videos, words or anything else creative for us to get to know you: info@yarat.az or jamila.o@yarat.az.

The applicant selection process has already started. The first art party will take place on 7th March 2013. We will let you know the exact details soon. Follow our upddates on the YARAT Contemporary Art Space Facebook page.

