June 2024



Bayil District (National Flag Square) Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1003

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Tuesday – Sunday:
12 am > 8 pm


+99412 505 1414



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09 Aug - 12 Aug 22

Summer workshop series continues!

YARAT Contemporary Art Space invites you to a 4-day neurogenerative art workshop with Dmitry Tochilkin.

At a four-day workshop, Dmitry Tochilkin will talk about new opportunities in computer graphics that modern neural networks open up. Technologies that have emerged over the past few years allow you to create paintings in seconds, using only a text user request. Progress in this area is rapid and soon the use of neural networks in graphics will be ubiquitous.

In this workshop, we will look at the capabilities and limitations of modern neural networks, understand their principles of operation, and discuss the new ethics of creating neurogenerative works of art.

This workshop will be of interest to artists, illustrators, motion and web designers, as well as anyone who would be interested in understanding new technologies and creating amazing graphic works using neural networks.

August 9 (day 1) – Interactive lecture

August 10 (day 2) – Practice creating pictures with open web tools

August 11 (day 3) – Practice creating animation in DiscoDiffusion

August 12 (day 4) – Presentation of artworks generated by the participants

Requirement for participants:

  • Personal laptop

Dmitry Tochilkin is a computer vision researcher with 7 years of experience, worked at Yandex. Drone, Google Zurich, Google San Francisco, Huawei, IBM. Currently engaged in the development and experiments on neurogenerative open-source tools.

Age limit: 16+

Seats are limited

Language: Russian, with simultaneous translation into Azerbaijani

Dates: 9 – 12 August, 2022

Time: 19:00 – 21:00

Location: YARAT Centre (Bayıl)

*COVID passport is required

For registration:  https://cutt.ly/fZRQawD

For additional information: +99450 246 92 92  
