June 2024



Bayil District (National Flag Square) Baku, Azerbaijan, AZ1003

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Tuesday – Sunday:
12 am > 8 pm


+99412 505 1414



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21 Jan 20

YARAT Contemporary Art Space pleased invite to to the event dedicated to one of the ideologists of the Azerbaijan Democratic Republic, publicist, poet, artist, philosopher, scientist, journalist and doctor Ali bey Huseynzade within “Through the Artist's Eyes” project.

The event will be conducted by Sadi Mirseyibli, who temporarily holds the office of the director of the Azerbaijan National Museum of Independence. He is going to talk about the multifacetedness of Ali bey Huseynzade’s unexplored creative path and artistic identity, as well artistic processes of that period and interesting events in the artist's life.

Ali bey Huseynzade (1864-1940) is one of the prominent public figures and founder of the ideology of Azerbaijanism, who played an important role in awakening and propagation of national identity, social, political, scientific-pedagogical, literary and cultural life, as well as building of modern democratic society in Azerbaijan. He is also the founder of Fuyuzat magazine, which formed the main idea of the ADR in 1918-1920. Ali bey Huseynzade also gained his fame as an artist, created various works and portraits in different painting genres, including landscape and household. Bibi-Heybat Mosque, Portrait of Sheikh ul- Islam, Portrait of Ataturk and other works are major contribution to the art of Azerbaijani painting.

Sadi Mirseyibli studied at the Institute of Tourism of Azerbaijan in 2007-2011 in the specialty of Museum Studies and Country Studies. Since 2010, he has been working as a scientific worker at the Museum of Independence of Azerbaijan. Currently, he holds the office of director of the Museum of Independence of Azerbaijan. He has participated in various conferences in the field of museum work and authored many scientific publications.

During the event, the participants will also have an opportunity to explore the displayed works of Ali bey Huseynzade.

Date: January 21, 2020

Time: 19:00

Venue: Museum of Azerbaijani Painting of the XX-XXI Centuries, Bayil District (near of YARAT Contemporary Art Centre)

Admission is free.

Contact number: +99412 505 7718; +99450 251 41 15 
