July 2024


04 May 16

Dear All!
YARAT Contemporary Art Space pleased to invite you to a concert by a famous actor, director and musician Alexandre Dzuba who will read his poems and sing live!

We also hope that this will be a good opportunity to discuss Alexandre’s latest work “Poetics of the cinema” which he will present at YARAT Centre one day before.

ALEXANDER DZYUBA – Russian theatre and film actor; starred in such movies and soap TV-shows as 'Masculine Holidays' ('Мужские каникулы'), 'My Fair Childminder' ('Моя прекрасная няня'), 'Soviet Age Park' ('Парк советского периода') etc. In 1993–1997 he was a student of Michail Reznikovic’s studio at the State Theatre Arts Institute after I.K.Karpenko-Kariy in Kiev. In 1993–1997 he was an actor of the State Academic Russian Drama Theatre after Lesia Ukrainka (Kiev). In 1997–1999 he was an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow). In 1999–2001 he was a teacher at the Actor Studio and a show director of the Estonian State Russian Drama Theatre (Tallinn). In 2001–2006 he was an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow). In 2006–2010 he was a filmmaker at such studios as RWS, Young Media, Tandem Films. Since 2010 and up to now he is an actor of the Roman Viktiuk Theatre (Moscow).

Date: 4 May, 2015

Time: 19.00

Venue: YARAT Contemporary Art Centre, Multifunctional Room

Contact phone: +99412 505 1414

Admission: FREE

